Saturday, December 15, 2012

Midwife Arrested in CA After 22 Years of Faithful Service

By now some of you may have already seen the story of Brenda Capps, a Traditional and Christian Domiciliary Midwife who was arrested in CA last month. She has served families there for 22 years, and has a better safety record than just about any physician that I have ever known of (even when you break it down to only low-risk women!). She was not arrested because a mom or baby died. She was not arrested because a family reported her. She was arrested after being named in another case, even though she had nothing to do with said case.

There are many who are shaking their heads, saying that she knew better and should have just been licensed. Many more disagree with this sentiment. You see, Brenda has served the women in California that other, Licensed Midwives, would not and/or could not. She has served the women who have found themselves carrying twins or a breech baby that would not turn. She has served the women who have had multiple cesareans.

She served me. She was my Midwife, seven years ago. After every other single Midwife had turned me down due to multiple factors, she believed in my body's ability, and wasn't bound by state regulations that were put together by Physicians. Without Brenda, I would have ended up in the operating room again. She believed in me and supported me through the birth of my posterior, 10lb 10oz baby girl. My triumphant HBAC.

There is a desperate need for Midwives who serve families, and not the state. We need more, not less of women like Brenda.

Technically, Brenda didn't even do anything wrong according to the law. According to the Licensed Midwife Practice Act of 1993 (CA), it is only unlawful to represent oneself as a Licensed Midwife when one is not. Brenda NEVER did this. Each and every one of the families she served knew with full disclosure, from Brenda, that she was not licensed. Each family signed her religious exemption clause. Families chose Brenda BECAUSE of her status, not in spite of it.

Even if you don't fully agree with what Brenda has done over 22 years, can't you agree that the rights of women to choose their birth attendants (even if that means no one at all!) are at stake here? If you do, please sign a petition that was put together on behalf of Brenda, and women's rights. We are hoping to see the petition hit over 2,000 signatures. We want the medical board to know that women and men are SPEAKING UP about their choices being limited to what the Medical Board thinks is appropriate.

Please sign it. Share it. This is such a vital issue.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cesarean Awareness Month

I am so late with this, but I am hoping to keep in mind that late is better than never, right?

April is Cesarean Awareness Month. Did you know that? Have you come up with any ways to help spread awareness? If so, please list them! I'd love more ideas for next year. This year I got caught up with clients, school, and exams to do the legwork ahead of time. I am hoping to still put together a VBAC Q&A community event, but I am waiting to hear back from contacts about location.  I'll keep you all updated!

No onto some of the things that I have posted on Facebook so far. I was thinking of doing them individually, but I decided to just list them all in this one post in case I don't get back here before April is over. ;)


Did you know that our current national Cesarean Rate is 32.9%? That means that roughly 1 out of every 3 women who walk into a hospital to give birth, walk out recovering from major abdominal surgery. The World Health Organization, the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services, and other health organizations recommend a safe cesarean rate NO HIGHER than 10-15%, which means that approximately 1/2 - 2/3 of the cesareans done are unnecessary or were avoidable.

Concerns Over Rising Cesarean Rates


Cesarean Awareness Month Fact: 

Did you know that your OB is NOT supposed to recommend induction of labor for a baby who "seems to be large" at term? This is not only NOT evidence based, but it also leads to higher rates of cesarean section. Baby's weight plateaus at term, with adding only ounces per week. Half a pound or so is *not* going to make a difference between a birthable baby, and a baby who is "too big" for your pelvis. Fat squishes, and baby's skeletal size does not increase at term.

From ACOG: "Suspected fetal macrosomia is not an indication for induction of labor, because induction does not improve maternal or fetal outcomes." 


Did you know that in 2006 it was found that a cesarean delivery comes with a 3x higher risk of newborn death, than a vaginal delivery? The rates were found: .62 per 1000 deaths among vaginal births versus 1.77 per 1000 infant deaths among cesarean babies.


Did you know that a VBAC is possible, even after THREE Cesareans? 


Did you know that the majority of women who were diagnosed with CPD (Pelvis too small for baby) had other things going on, and that true CPD is extremely rare and occurs mainly when you've had a pelvic injury, or have had rickets?

Induction of labor, malpositioned baby, epidural, forced pushing, and pushing on your back (which decreases pelvic size by up to 20%) all increase the risk of "baby not fitting" - or baby not being allowed to come as he would without these interventions. Almost never does a woman *actually* have a pelvis that is too small to birth her babies ... and many moms with a label of "CPD" have gone on to not only give birth vaginally, but a good number of them have given birth to *larger* babies. ;) 


Did you know that being overweight puts you at higher risk for a cesarean? But it isn't for the reason you think. Many health care providers (of all kinds - not just OBs!) hold the belief that an overweight women cannot be healthy. Overweight women are often labeled with "Gestational Diabetes", even if their numbers are fine, and one higher blood pressure reading at term can have talk of induction begin. Women have been told that their vagina was "too fat" to give birth, that their baby would be huge because they were huge, or that they simply would not be able to push their baby out due to their size.

Having a cesarean if you are obese increases your risks dramatically. Obese women are at much higher risks of infection, issues with anesthesia, and blood clots. Taking steps to avoid one is key. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

FREE Waterbirth Information Night - Cedar City

Back by popular demand:

FREE Waterbirth Information Night!
Saturday, February 25th at 6:00pm
Braun Books - 25 N. Main St. Cedar City, Utah

Come to find out WHY and HOW birthing in water can help to Reduce Pain, Give Your Baby the Most Gentle Birth, Reduce the Risk of Tearing, and Reduce the Length of Labor.

Free information packets, Free Food, and Free Giveaways!

For more information please email:
or visit the Facebook Event page at: Waterbirth Info Cedar